Weekly game update 3

This week the feedback says that the movement is good and the background or setting is cool despite the issues. The changes for this week is a new sprite for the enemy and the player, from Free War Game Kit by Mobile Game Graphics (itch.io), there is a very small health number in the top left of the screen but its too hard to see right now, bullets can be fired by pressing space but they are invisible for some reason. 

As seen here the spacebar has been pressed a few times but no bullets are seen. Another new thing is the enemy spawning which works but currently they spawn in the middle of the screen and move to the left until you stop the game. 

The collision does work though, the plane will get stuck on the player and when 3 or more planes are stuck the player will be pushed back by them. If the bullet asset does appear it is also from Free War Game Kit by Mobile Game Graphics (itch.io). I have had many attempts at a side scrolling camera but the closest I got to one working was moving the background with wasd instead of the plane. 

There was not a lot done this week but there is not much to go on this game. Just the crucial thing of getting the side scrolling working and fixing the bullets as well as making them damage the enemies. Fixing the spawner of the enemies will also be fixed so the game can actually be fun instead of watching the enemies go past you in a single line. The UI things like a bigger and actually visible health bar and a main menu will come towards the end as they are not as important, the health still being important but the menu being less important.


Build.zip Play in browser
May 04, 2023

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