Weekly game update 5

In this week, the feedback was that it was good in general. I made a main menu scene this week also and put buttons on the menu for play game and how to play and added a background image to make it look better than a plain one colour background. 

This screenshot of the menu shows the background I got from Pin on WWI Aviation (pinterest.com.au) and the menu buttons before I change the colour and text font. 

What was also fixed or added this week was the bullets being able to be seen now, turns out it was as simple as changing the sprite from 0 transparency to 255. I also added more enemy planes for the player to attack when I fix the health system which is mostly done, another addition is resizing the bullet sprite because when you fire it, it is a bit too big so the sprite is now smaller and not too obnoxious or in the way. Not shown in the current build but something that I have done is try and fix the enemy spawner so they do not spawn in the same place and go past you without knowing you are there.

 Because of the testing session not a lot was added this week so this dev log is a bit shorter than the other ones for that reason and there were no additions that I can use a gif for. 

Reference for the plane image

Arbo, B 2016, Pin on WWI AviationPinterest, viewed 21 May 2023, <https: www.pinterest.com.au="" pin="" wwi-aviation--304907837261579974="">.</https:>


index.zip Play in browser
May 18, 2023

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